Impulse 7000DP Defibrillator Analyzer and Pacemaker Tester
The Impulse 7000DP Defibrillator/Transcutaneous Pacemaker Analyzer ensures proper operation and ultimate performance of critical life-support cardiac-resuscitation equipment. The Impulse 7000DP is superior in compliance, technology, efficiency and ease of use.
Main Features

AED compatibility

12-lead ECG simulation

Internal pacer brand selections

Long lasting, rechargeable battery

First-in-class accuracy ± 1% of reading + 0.1J

Flexible heart-rate settings (1BPM step)

Waveform capture, store and replay

DSP-based measurements for firmware and waveform upgrade

Ability to test external transcutaneous pacemakers (Impulse 7000 DP only)

Waveform capture, store and replay

Lown, Edmark, trapezoidal, biphasic and pulsed-biphasic defibrillation technology compatibility