(1) All items are subject to availability.
(2) While we strive to keep our catalogue up to date, please be aware that not all products listed may be available for immediate purchase. Some items may be out of stock or temporarily unavailable.
(3) We recommend contacting us directly to inquire about product availability before making any purchasing decisions. We will make our best efforts to inform you as soon as possible if the goods you have ordered are not available or if shipment may be delayed.
Cardiac Output

Invasive Cardiac Output
Product # | Description | Use With* |
1. 15244A: | Remote Startup Switch and Cable | Module: M1012A Opt. C12, Hemodynamic Measurement Server: M3012A, Capnography Extension: M3014A |
23001A | Reusable Injectate Temp Probe to measure cardiac output For use with Baxter CO—SetTM kit only _ Length: 79 ft (2.4m) | Module: M1012A, Hemodynamic Measurement Server: M3012A, Capnography Extension: M3014A, 860335, 860338 |
23001B | Reusable Injectate Temp Probe to measure cardiac output 860338 For use with Baxter CO—SetTM kit only 1 probe Length: 1’9 ft (0.5m) | Efficia CM12 (863303), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Module: M1012A, Hemodynamic Measurement Server: M3012A, 860335, 860338 |
23002A | Ice bath temperature probe | |
M1642A | Cardiac Output Cable | Efficia CM12 (863303), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Module: M1012A, Hemodynamic 1 bl Measurement Server: M3012A |
M1643A | Cardiac Output Cable for use with pulse contour analysis and transpulmonary thermodilution Length: 15.75 ft (4.8m) 860338 | Module: M1012A, Hemodynamic Measurement Server: M3012A, Capnography Extension: M3014A, 860335, 860338 |
2. M1642A | Cardiac Output Cable | Efficia CM12 (863303), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Module: M1012A, Hemodynamic 1 bl Measurement Server: M3012A |
M1646A | PICCO temperature probe to measure cardiac output (not available in N. America) | Module: M1012A |
Capnography — Microstream® EtCQ2

Microstream® EtCO2 Solution Single Patient Use
Product # | Description | Use With* |
1. M1920A | FilterLine Set, Adult/Pedi, Intubated | Microstream® Ext: M3015A, M3015B, MP5: M8105A, M8105AS, VM8: 863066, VM1: 863266 Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) |
2. M1921A | FilterLine H Set, Adult/Pedi, Intubated | |
3. M1923A | FilterLine H Set, Infant/Neonatal, Intubated | |
4. 989803160241 | FilterLine® Set Long, Adult/Pediatric 25 FilterLines® | |
5. 989803160251 | Cardiac Output Cable | |
6. 989803160261 | FilterLine H Set Long, Infant/Neonatal | |
7. 989803159571 | VitaLineTM H Set, Adult/Pediatric | |
8. 989803159581 | VitaLineTM H Set, Infant/Neonatal | |
9. M2520A | Smart CapnoLine® O2 Pediatric | |
10. M2522A | Smart CapnoLine® O2 Adult/Intermediat | |
11. M2524A | Smart CapnoLine® Pediatric | |
12. M2526A | Smart CapnoLine® Adult/Intermediate |
Capnography-Mainstream Capnostat 5 EtCO2

Philips Mainstream Capnostat 5 EtCO2 Solution
Product # | Description | Use With* |
1. M2501A | Mainstream Capnostat 5 EtCO, Sensor | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM10O (863300), CM120 (863302), CM15O (863304) M2513A, M2516A, M2533A, M2536A: M2501A Sensor with M3014A Capnography Extension, Monitors: MP5: M81O5A, MP2: M81O2A, Multi— Measurement Module X2: M3O02A |
2. M2513A | Airway Adapter Adult/Pediatric Reusable Use with ET tube > 4mm | |
3. M2516A | Airway Adapter Infant ReusableUse with ET tube < 4mm Deadspace < 1cc | |
4. M2533A | Airway Adapter Adult/Pediatric Single patient use Use with ET tube > 4mm | |
5. M2536A | Airway Adapter Infant single patient use Use with ET tube < 4mm Deadspace < 1cc | |
6. M25O5A | Gas Cylinder Regulator | M2506A verification gas, MP2: M81O2A, Multi— Measurement Module X2: M30O2A and Mainstream Capnostat 5 EtCO2, sensor M2501A |
7. M25O6A | Gas Veriflc ation Gas | Mainstream Capnostat 5 EtCO, Sensor: M2501 A, MP2: M81O2A, Multi— Measurement Module X2: M30O2A |
ECG Cables and Leads - Bedside ECG IntelliVue Cable Family

Trunk cables
# of Leads | Product # | Description | Use with:*(Also for use with Efficia CM monitors) |
3 | M1669A | ECo Trunk Cable, 12 pin| connector. 44Xiand iFa labels included | Modules: M10018. 110028. Multi- Measurement Mocules MoODDA. MDUIA, MSUOLA, MPC MOZA, Mo MolUsA, Suestens Monitors. 6RNER RARNAA 863065 863066.863058.863011.863085.863086.1 863087 862098 86327 Sitria Monitors 863300 862201 863302 863303. 863304. 863320. 863321. 863572: Denbrillators 435344. M353541 135364 Hear: Start Mrxi. N4735% HeartStar: XLi, 861290 HeartStartXLi D-M 100. hKa C812 18033011CM120 8633021 CM 50 18033041 |
98980317017 (Orange) | OR ECG Trunk Cable, 12- DIT COMMeCiOr AAMI ANG icc lades quoca. rom | Multi-Measurement Modules: M3001A, M3002A, MP2: M8102A, MPS. M8105A, SureSigns Monitors: 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863317| Emcia Monitors 863300. 863301. 863302. 863303. 863304 Denorillator: DFM 100. Efficia CM12 (863303). CM120 (863302). CM150 (863304) | |
5 | M1668A | ECG Trunk Cable, 12 pin| connector, AAMI and IE labels included | Modules: M1001B, M1002B, Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A, MP2: M8102A, MP5: M8105A, SureSigns Monitors: 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863317: Efficia Monitors 863300, 863301, 863302, 863303, 863304, 863320,1 863321, 863322: Defibrillators: M3534A, M3535A, M3536A (Heart Start MRx), M4735A (HeartStart XL), 861290 HeartStartXL+, DFM 100, Xper Flex Cardio: 860338, 850335, Efficia CM12 (863303), CM120 (863302). CM150 |
9898031701811 | OR ECG Trunk Cable, 12- pin connector. AAMI and EC labels included. For use in onerating room. | Multi-Measurement Modules: M3001A, M3002A, MP2: M8102A, MP5: M8105A, SureSigns Monitors: 863065, 863066, 863068, 863317 Efficia Monitors 863300, 863301, 863302, 863303, 863304, 863320, 863321,| 863322 Defibrillator: DFM 100, Efficia CM12 (863303), CM120 (863302). CM150| 1863304) | |
6 | M1667A | ECG Trunk Cable, 12 pin connector, AAMI and IEC | Multi Measurement Server: M3000A, M3001A Opt C12 or Opt C18,| M3002A Opt C12 or Opt C18, MP2: M8102A Opt C12, MP5: M8105A Opt C12. Defibrillator HeartStartXL+ 861290| |
ECG Cables and Leads - Bedside ECG IntelliVue Cable Family

Lead Sets IEC Color Coding
# of Leads | Product # | Description | Use with:*(Also for use with Efficia CM monitors) |
3 | M1672A | ICU, grabber | Efficia CM10 (863301). CM12 (863303). CM100 (863300). CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) |
M1674A | ICU, snap | ||
M1678A | OR , grabber | ||
989803174201 | ICU, grabber | ||
4 chest | M1533A | ICU. grabber | 6+4 trunk cable M1665A| |
M1538A | ICU, snap | ||
989803192251 | ICU, DIN to Tab | ||
M1558A | OR, grabber |
IntelliVue MX40 Wearable Patient Monitoring Supplies - Patient Cables

Patient Cables AAMI color coding
# of Leads | Product # | Description | Use with:* |
3 | 989803171801 | ECG | MX40 1.4 GHz - SH Patient Worn Monitor 865350 (US only). MX40 2.4 GHz - SH Patient Worn Monitor 865351 |
989803171811 | ECG+ SoO2 | ||
5 | 989803171821 | ECG | |
989803171831 | ECG | ||
989803171841 | ECG+ SpO2 | ||
989803171851 | ECG+ SpO2 | ||
989803172031 | ECG | ||
989803172051 | ECG+ SpO2 | ||
6 | 989803171861 | ECG | |
989803171871 | ECG+ SpO2 |
IntelliVue Telemetry ECG Cables and Leads - Patient Cables

IntelliVue Telemetry ECG Cables and Leads - Patient Cables
IntelliVue Telemetry Leadsets AAMI
# of Leads | Product # | Description | Use with:* |
3 | 989803151971 | Grabber and shower shield | Telemptry 867731 Mone US. TRx48514 2 4 Ghz. IntelliVue Tele IRX. 802433: U.S. only IRx4841A 1.4. Ghz Intel livue Tele TRXI |
989803151991 | Snap and shower shield | ||
989803173141 | Grabber and shower shield | ||
5 | 989803152051 | Grabber and shower shield | |
989803152071 | Snap and shower shield | ||
989803171851 | Grabber and shower shield | ||
6 | 989803172031 | Grabber and shower shield | |
989803172051 | Snap and shower shield |
IntelliVue Telemetry Leadsets IEC
# of Leads | Product # | Description | Use with:* |
3 | 949803151981 CE | Grabber and shower shield | Telemetry 862231 None U.S. TRx4851A 2.4 Ghz IntelliVue Tele TRX. 862439: U.S. only TRx4841A 1.4. Ghz IntelliVue Tole TRX |
989803152001 CE | Snap and shower shield | ||
5 | 989803152061 CE | Grabber and shower shield | |
089803152081 CE | Snap and shower shield | ||
6 | 989803152141 CE | Grabber and shower shield | |
989803152161 CE | Snap and shower shield |
EEG Supplies (Electroencephalogram)

# of Leads | Product # | Description | Use with:* |
1 | M2268A CE | 5 lead trunk cable | M1027A EEG Module |
2 | 989803180541 | 4 channel trunk cable | |
3 | M1931A СЕ | 5 lead EEG adult cup electrode set | |
4 | M1932A CE | 5 lead EEG pediatric cup electrode set | |
5 | M1934A Се | 5 lead EEG miniclip lead set | |
6 | 989803180561 | 9 lead EEG adult cup electrode set | |
989803180531 | 9 lead EEG miniclip lead set | ||
7 | 989803180521 | 9 lead EEG infant and pediatric cup electrode set | |
M1937A Се | EEG conductive paste | Cup electrodes | |
8 | M1935A CE | EEG Snap electrodes | Miniclip EEG lead sets |
IntelliVue NMT (Neuro Muscular Transmission) Patient Cable

IntelliVue NMT (Neuro Muscular Transmission) Patient Cable
# of Leads | Product # | Description | Use with:* |
1 | 989803174581 CE | Patient cable with 12 pin instrument connector | IntelliVue Neuro muscular Transmission Module 865383 |
Disposable ECG Electrodes

Disposable Infant/Pediatric Metallic Lead Wire Electrodes: IEC Color Coding
# of Leads | Product # | Description | Use with:* |
1 | 13952D | Preattached metallic (46cm) 3-leadwire electrode, non-shielded, solid gel Dimension: 22mm x 33mm, (socket size: 1.5mm) Shelf life: 6 months | MP2 - M8102A, MP5 -M8105A, MMS - M3000A, M3001A, M3002A, ECG modules -M1001A, M1001B, M1002A, M1002B, 78260A, 78261A, 78801A, 78801B, 78831A, 78832A, 78833A, 78833B, 78834A, 78834C, Monitors (Neonatal/Pediatric) 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863077; Requires ECG trunk cable: M1668A or 989803170181 |
2 | 13953D | Preattached metallic (46cm) 3-leadwire electrode, non-shielded, solid gel Dimension: 22mm x 22mm, (socket size: 1.5mm) Shelf life: 6 months | |
3 | 989803183111 | NeoLead, metallic pre-attached leadwire (60 cm) pediatric/neonatal ECG electrodes; IEC; standard DIN connector, 25 mm round | ECG modules: M1001B, M1002B; multi-measurement servers: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; Patient monitors MP5 -M8105A, MP2-M8102A, 863064, 863065, 833066, 863068, 860338, 860335; Requires ECG trunk cable: M1668A or 989803170181 |
4 | 989803183091 | Mini NeoLead, metallic pre-attached leadwire (60 cm) pediatric/neonatal ECG electrodes; IEC; standard DIN connector. 19 mm round Packaging |
# of Leads | Product # | Description | Use with:* |
1 | 13952E | Preattached metallic (46cm) 3-leadwire electrode, non-shielded, solid gel Dimension: 22mm x 33mm, (socket size: 1.5mm) Shelf life: 6 months | MP2 - M8102A, MP5 -M8105A, MMS - M3000A, M3001A, M3002A, ECG modules -M1001A, M1001B, M1002A, M1002B, 78260A, 78261A, 78801A, 78801B, 78831A, 78832A, 78833A, 78833B, 78834A, 78834C, Monitors (Neonatal/Pediatric)– 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863077; Requires ECG trunk cable: M1668A or 989803170181 |
2 | 13953E | Preattached metallic (46cm) 3-leadwire electrode, non-shielded, solid gel Dimension: 22mm x 22mm, (socket size: 1.5mm) Shelf life: 6 months | |
3 | 989803183131 | NeoLead, radiolucent pre-attached leadwire (60 cm) pediatric/neonatal ECG electrodes; IEC, standard DIN connector, 25 mm round | ECG modules: M1001B, M1002B; multi-measurement servers: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; Patient monitors MP5 -M8105A, MP2-M8102A, 863064, 863065, 833066, 863068, 860338, 860335; Requires ECG trunk cable: M1668A or 989803170181 |
4 | 989803183151 | Micro NeoLead, radiolucent pre-attached leadwire (60 cm) pediatric/neonatal ECG electrodes; IEC, standard DIN connector, 25mm x 9.5 mm |
Noninvasive Blood Pressure - Reusable NBP Cuffs

Multi Patient Comfort Care Cuffs - Single Hose
Product # | Description | Use with:* | Size |
M1571A | Preattached metallic (46cm) 3-leadwire electrode, non-shielded, solid gel Dimension: 22mm x 33mm, (socket size: 1.5mm) Shelf life: 6 months | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) 78352A, 78352C, 78354A, 78354C, M1008A, M1008B, M1176A, M1350B, M1350C, 860335, 860338, 861290, 861493, 861494, 861495, 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863069, 863070, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863079, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863275, 863276, 863277, 863278, 863279, 863283, M2702A, M2703A, M2704A, M2705A, M3001A, M3002A, M3535A, M3536A, M3536M, M3536M1, M3536M2, M3536M3, M3536M4, M3536M5, M3536M6, M3536M7, M3536M8, M3536M9, M3536MC, M8102A, M8105A, M8105AS, M8105AT | |
M1572A | Bladder width: 3.11" (8cm); Bladder length: 8.5"(21.5cm) Limb circumference: 14cm to 21.5cm | ||
M1573A | NeoLead, radiolucent pre-attached leadwire (60 cm) pediatric/neonatal ECG electrodes; IEC, standard DIN connector, 25 mm round | ||
M1573XL | Comfort Care Cuff, Small Adult XL Bladder width: 4.1" (10.5cm); Bladder length: 9.4" (24cm) Limb circumference: 20.5cm to 28cm | ||
M1574A | Comfort Care Cuff, Adult Bladder width: 5.1" (13cm); Bladder length: 11" (28cm) Limb circumference: 27cm to 35cm | ||
M1574XL | Comfort Care Cuff, Adult XL Bladder width: 5.1" (13cm); Bladder length: 11" (28cm) Limb circumference: 27cm to 35cm | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) 78352A, 78352C, 78354A, 78354C, M1008A, M1008B, M1176A, M1350B, M1350C, 860335, 860338, 861290, 861493, 861494, 861495, 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863069, 863070, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863079, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863275, 863276, 863277, 863278, 863279, 863283, M2702A, M2703A, M2704A, M2705A, M3001A, M3002A, M3535A, M3536A, M3536M, M3536M1, M3536M2, M3536M3, M3536M4, M3536M5, M3536M6, M3536M7, M3536M8, M3536M9, M3536MC, M8102A, M8105A, M8105AS, M8105AT | |
M1575A | Comfort Care Cuff, Large Adult Bladder width: 6.3" (16cm); Bladder length: 13.8" (35cm) Limb circumference: 34cm to 43cm | ||
M1575XL | Comfort Care Cuff, Large Adult XL Bladder width: 6.3" (16 cm); Bladder length: 13.8" (35 cm) Limb circumference: 34cm to 43cm | ||
M1576A | Comfort Care Cuff, Large Adult XL Bladder width: 7.9" (20 cm); Bladder length: 16.9" (43 cm) Limb circumference: 42cm to 54cm |
Noninvasive Blood Pressure - Disposable NBP Cuffs (single-patient use)

Single patient soft neonatal/infant cuffs - single hose
Product # | Description | Use with:* |
M1866S CE | Neonatal, soft, Single-patient cuff, size #1, single hose | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) NBP modules: M1008B; Multi-measurement server: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; Patient monitor: M8105A, M8102A, 863055, 863056, 863057, 863058, 863059, 863060, 863061, 863063, 863064, 863066, 863068, 863069, 836070, 836071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863079, 863080, 863081, 863082, 836086, 863087, 863088, M8105AS, 863275, 863276, 863278 |
M1868S CE | Neonatal, soft, Single-patient cuff, size #2, single hose | |
M1868S CE | Neonatal soft Single-patient cuff, size #3, single hose | |
M1872S CE | Neonatal soft Single-patient cuff, size #4, single hose | |
M1873S CE | Infant, soft, Single-patient cuff, size #5, single hose | NBP modules: M1008B; Multi-measurement server: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; Patient monitor: M8105A, M8102A, 863055, 863056, 863057, 863058, 863059, 863060, 863061, 863063, 863064, 863066, 863068, 863069, 836070, 836071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863079, 863080, 863081, 863082, 836086, 863087, 863088, M8105AS |
989803167551 CE | Neonatal, soft, Single-patient, 50 cuffs per box cuffs, single hose consists of: 5 x M1866S, 10 x M1868S, 20 x M1870S, 10 x M1872S & 5 x M1873S) |
Noninvasive Blood Pressure NBP Accessories and Hoses

Blood Pressure Air Hoses
Product # | Description | Use with:* |
989803136931 | Adult/Pediatric NBP air hose Length: 11.71ft (3.57m) | VS1 monitors: 863055, 863056, 863057, 863058, 863059, 863060, 863061 |
M1598B | Adult NBP air hose Length: 4.92ft (1.5m) | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Module: M1008B, Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; IntelliVue Monitors: MP2: M8102A, MP5: M8105A, M8105AS, M8105AT, 866044, 866045, 866046; SureSigns Monitors: 863055, 853056, 863057, 863058, 863059, 863060, 863061, 863062, 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863069, 863070, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863079, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863275, 863276, 863277, 863278, 863279, 863283, 863285, 863286, 863287, 863288, 863289, 862474, 862478; Fetal Monitors: M2702A, M2703A, M2704A, M2705A, M1351A, M1353A, M1350B, M1350C |
M1599B | Adult NBP air hose length: 10ft (3.0m) | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Module: M1008B, Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; IntelliVue Monitors: MP2: M8102A, MP5: M8105A, M8105AS, M8105AT, 866044, 866045, 866046; SureSigns Monitors: 863055, 853056, 863057, 863058, 863059, 863060, 863061, 863062, 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863069, 863070, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863079, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863275, 863276, 863277, 863278, 863279, 863283, 863285, 863286, 863287, 863288, 863289, 862474, 862478; Xper Flex Cardio Physiomonitoring System: 860335, 860338; Fetal Monitors: M2702A, M2703A, M2704A, M2705A, M1351A, M1353A, M1350B, M1350C |
M3918A | Adult NBP air hose length: 10ft (3.0m) | A1: M3921A, M3922A, M3923A, M3924A, A3: M3926A, M3927A, M3928A, M3929A; ICG: 862146; C1 Monitors: 863051, 863052, 863053, 863054 |
M1596C | Neonatal NBP air hose Length: 4,92ft (1.5m) | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) M1008B, 863063, 863069, 863275, 863073, M8102A, M8105A, M3001A, M3000A, M3002A |
M1597C | Neonatal NBP air hose Length: 10ft (3.0m) | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) M1008B, 863063, 863069, 863275, 863073, M8102A, M8105A, M3001A, M3000A, M3002A |
Pulse Oximetry

Philips Reusable SpO2 Sensors
Product # | Description | Use with:* |
1. M1191B | Adult Finger Glove Sensor Length = 2m Patient size: >110 lb (>50kg) 8-pin connector | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Telemetry: M2600B telemetry system, M2601B transmitter, TRX4841A, TRX4851A transceivers; MP5: M8105AT. Monitors: C3: 862474, 862478; SureSigns: 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863264, 863265, 863266; Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; SpO2 Modules: M1020A, M1020B; MP2: M8102A, MP5: M8105A with Spo2 Option A01, M8105AS, 863276, 863278 |
M1191BL | Adult Finger Glove Sensor Length = 3m Patient size: >110 lb (>50kg) 8-pin connector | |
M1191T | Adult Finger Glove Sensor Length = 0.45m Patient size: >110 lb (>50kg) 9-pin (D-sub) connector | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Telemetry: M2600B telemetry system, M2601B transmitter, TRX4841A, TRX4851A transceivers; MP5: M8105AT. Monitors: C3: 862474, 862478; SureSigns: 863051, 863052, 863053, 863054, 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863264, 863265, 863266; M3921A, M3922A, M3923A, M3924A, M3926A, M3927A, M3928A, M3929A; Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; SpO, Modules: M1020A, M1020B; MP2: M8102A, MP5: M8105A with SpO, Option A01, M8105AS, 863276, 863278 |
2. M1192A | Pediatric/Small-Adult Finger Glove Sensor Length = 0.45m Patient size: 33-110 lb (15-50kg) 9-pin (D-sub) connector | |
M1192T | Pediatric/Small-Adult Finger Glove Sensor Length = 0.45m Patient size: 33-110 lb (15-50kg) 9-pin (D-sub) connector | |
3.M1193A | Reusable Neonatal Foot Wrap Sensor Length = 1.5m Patient size: 2.2 lbs. to 8.8 lbs. (1-4kg) 8-pin connector | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Monitors: SureSigns: 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863264, 863265, 863266; Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; Spo, Modules: M1020A, M1020B; MP2: M8102A, MP5: M8105A with SpO2 Option A01, M8105AS, 863276, 863278 |
M1193T | Reusable Neonatal Wrap Sensor Length = 0.90m Patient size: 2.2 lbs. to 8.8 lbs. (1-4kg) 9-pin (D-sub) connector | |
4.M1194A | Pediatric/Adult Ear Clip Sensor Length: 1.5m Patient size: >88 lb (>40kg) 8-pin connector | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Telemetry: M2600B telemetry system, M2601B transmitter, TRX4841A, TRX4851A transceivers; MP5: M8105AT. Monitors: C3: 862474, 862478; SureSigns: 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863264, 863265, 863266; Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; Spo, Modules: M1020A, M1020B; MP2: M8102A, MP5: M8105A with SpO, Option A01, M8105AS, 863276, 863278 |
5.M1195A | Reusable Infant Finger Glove Sensor Length: 1.5m Patient size: 8.8 lbs. to 33 lbs. (4-15kg) 8-pin connector | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Monitors: C3: 862474, 862478; SureSigns: 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863264, 863265, 863266; Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; SpO2 Modules: M1020A, M1020B; MP2: M8102A, MP5: M8105A with SpO, Option A01, M8105AS, 863276, 863278 |
6.M1196A | Pediatric/Adult Finger Clip Sensor Length: 3m 1 sensor Patient size: >88 lb (>40kg) 8-pin connector | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Telemetry: M2600B telemetry system, M2601B transmitter, TRX4841A, TRX4851A transceivers; MP5: M8105AT. Monitors: C3: 862474, 862478; SureSigns: 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863069, 863070, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863264, 863265, 863266; Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; SpO, Modules: M1020A, M1020B; MP2: M8102A, MP5: M8105A with Spo, Option A01, M8105AS, 860335, 860338, 863276, 863278, 863283 |
M1196S | Reusable Clip Adult SpO, Sensor Length: 2m Patient size:>88 lb (>40kg)8-pin connector | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Telemetry: M2600B telemetry system, M2601B transmitter, TRX4841A, TRX4851A transceivers; MP5: M8105AT. Monitors: C3: 862474, 862478; SureSigns: 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863069, 863070, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863264, 863265, 863266; Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; SpO, Modules: M1020A, M1020B; MP2: M8102A, MP5: M8105A with Spo, Option A01, M8105AS, 863276, 863278 |
Pulse Oximetry

SpO2 Single Patient Use sensors
Product # | Description | Use with:* |
1. M1131A | Adult/pediatric finger clip s-patient sensor Length = 45cm Patient size: >44 lb. (>20kg) 9-pin D sub connector | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Telemetry: M2601A transmitter, MP5: M8105AT. Monitors: C3: 862474, 862478; SureSigns: 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863264, 863265, 863266; M3921A, M3922A, M3923A, M3924A, M3926A, M3927A, M3928A, M3929A, Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; SpO2 Modules: M1020A, M1020B; MP2: M8102A, MP5: M8105A with Spo, Option A01, M8105AS, 860335, 860338, 863276, 863278 |
2.M1132A | Infant single-patient wrap sensor Length = 0.90m. Infant finger Patient size: 6.6 lbs - 22 lbs (3-10kg) 9-pin D sub connector | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863264, 863265, 863266; M3921A, M3922A, M3923A, M3924A, M3926A, M3927A, M3928A, M3929A, Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; SpO, Modules: M1020A, M1020B; MP2: M8102A, MP5: M8105A Telemetry: M8105AT with SpO, Opt. A01, M8105AS, 860335, 860338, 863276, 863278 |
3.M1133A | Neonatal/infant/adult single-patient wrap sensor Length = 90cm Patient sizes: Adult (finger) >88 lbs (>40kg) Neonate: (foot/hand) <6.6 lbs (<3kg) Infant: (big toe/thumb) 22lbs to 44lbs (10-20kg) 9-pin D sub connector | |
4. M1134A | Adhesive-free Neonatal/Infant/Adult Single-patient Wrap Sensor Length = 90cm Patient sizes: Adult: >88 lb (>40kg) Neonate: < 6.6 lbs (<3kg) Infant: 22-44 lbs (10-20kg) 9-pin D sub connector | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) add the following to the Use with for M1134A: Monitors: C3: 862474, 862478; SureSigns: 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863264, 863265, 863266; M3921A, M3922A, M3923A, M3924A, M3926A, M3927A, M3928A, M3929A, Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; SpO, Modules: M1020A, M1020B; MP2: M8102A, MP5: M8105A Telemetry: M8105AT with Spo2 Opt. A01, M8105AS, 863276, 863278 |
Pulse Oximetry

SpO2, Adapter Cables for Philips Sensors
Product # | Description | Use with:* |
1. M1900B | SpO, Adapter Cable (12-pin) Adapts 9-pin sensors for 12-pin sockets Length: 9.8 ft (3m) | Spo, Module: Legacy HP/Agilent Monitors: 78352C, 78354C, 78834C, Defibrillators: 2 M1722A, M1722B, M1723A, M1723B, M2475B, SpO2 Module: M1020A, Fetal Monitors: M1350B, M1350C |
2.M1940A | SpO, Adapter Cable (12-pin) Adapts 8-pin sensors for 12-pin sockets Length: 6.6 ft (2m) | Spo, Modules: M1191A, M1192A, M1193A, M1194A, M1195A, and M1196A SpO, sensors. And Philips instruments: 78352A, 78352C, 78354A, 78354C, 78833A, 78833C, Defibrillators, M1020A, M1722A, M1722B, M1723A, M1723B, M2475B, Monitor Modules, Monitors (General), Monitors (Neonatal/Fetal), M1350B, M1350C |
3. M1941A | Spo, Extension Cable (8-pin) Adds additional length between 8-pin sensors and 8-pin sockets Length: 6.6 ft (2m) | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) |
4. M1943A | Spo, Adapter Cable (8-pin) Adapts 9-pin sensors for 8-pin sockets Length: 3.3 ft (1m) | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Spo, Modules: M1020B, Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; MP2: M8102A; MP5: M8105A, M8105AT with SpO, Opt. A01; SureSigns: 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863264, 863265, 863266, M8105AS, 860335, 860338, 863276, 863278 |
M1943AL | Spo,Adapter Cable (8-pin) Adapts 9-pin sensors for 8-pin sockets Length: 9.8 ft (3m) | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) SpO2 Modules: M1020B, Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; MP2: M8102A; MP5: M8105A, M8105AT with SpO2 Opt. A01; SureSigns: 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863264, 863265, 863266, M8105AS, 863276, 863278; HeartStart XL+: 861290 |
5.M1943NL | OxiMax® SpO, Adapter Cable (8-pin) Adapts 9-pin sensors to 8-pin sockets Length: 9.8 ft (3m) Use only with IntelliVue A02 and A04 sockets | M1020B A02, MP 20 Junior, MP20, MP30, MP40, MP50, MP60, MP70, MP90 A02, M3002A, M8102A, M8105AS, M1020B, M1020B A04, M3001A A04, M3001A, M8105A, M8105AT, M8102A SP4, M8105AS SP4, M8105AT SP4, M8105A SP4 |
Pulse Oximetry

MasimoR LNCS® SpO2 Adapter Cable
Product # | Description | Use with:* |
1. 989803148221 | Masimo SET LNCS adapter cable Adapts LNCS sensors to Philips monitors Length: 10ft (3m) | SpO2 Module: M1020A, M1020B; Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A; MP2: M8102A; MP5: M8105A with SpO2 Opt. A01; SpO2 SET® Module: M1020B Opt. A03; Multi-Measurement SET® Module: M3001A Opt. A03, M3002A Opt. A03, M8105AS, 863276, 863278 |
989803182411 | rainbowSET 4' cable for rainbow; angle | M3001AL, M3002A, M8102A, M8105A, M8105AS - opt A05/SP5 863283, 863300, 863301, 863302, 863303, 863304, 863320, 863321, 863322 (check option configuration) |
2.989803182421 | rainbowSET 4' cable for rainbow; strait | |
3. 989803182431 | rainbowSET 10' cable for ALL RB measures | |
4. 989803186471 | rainbowSET 12' cable for rainbow; strait | M3001AL, M3002A, M8102A, M8105A, M8105AS - opt A05/SP5 |
5.989803186501 | rainbowSET 10' cable for LNCS | |
6.989803186531 | rainbowSET 4' cable for LNCS; straight | M3001AL, M3002A, M8102A, M8105A, M8105AS - opt A05 863283, 863300, 863301, 863302, 863303, 863304, 863322 (check option configuration) |
Temperature Measurement

Reusable Autoclavable Temperature Probes for Continuous Monitoring (meets ISO 80601-2-56:2009 Standard)
Product # | Description | Use with:* |
1. 21075A | Esophageal/Rectal Temperature Probe (autoclavable), 12FR, 2-prong plug, reusable, continuous monitoring Length: 10ft (3m) | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Temperature Module: M1029A, C3: 862474, 862478, SureSigns: 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863086, 863087, 863088; MP2 Monitor: M8102A, MP5 Monitor: M8105A; Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A, M3015A, M3015B |
2. 21076A | Esophageal/Rectal Temperature Probe (autoclavable), 10FR, 2-prong plug, reusable, continuous monitoring Length: 10ft (3m) 3 | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Temperature Module: M1029A, MP2 Monitor: M8102A, MP5 Monitor: M8105A; Multi-Measurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A, M3015A, M3015B |
3. 21078A | Skin Surface Temperature Probe (autoclavable) 0.37" (9.5mm) diameter 2-prong plug, reusable tape-on, continuous monitoring Length: 10ft (3m) | Efficia CM10 (863301), CM12 (863303), CM100 (863300), CM120 (863302), CM150 (863304) Temperature Module: M1029A, SureSigns: 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863086, 863087, 863088; MP2 Monitor: M8102A, MP5 Monitor: M8105A; MultiMeasurement Modules: M3000A, M3001A, M3002A, M3015A, M3015B, 860335, 860338 |
4. 989803162621 | Esophageal/Rectal Temperature Probe (autoclavable), 12FR, 1/4" phone plug, reusable, continuous monitoring Length: 10ft (3m) | Series 400 Temperature Monitors with 1/4" phone plug |
Accessories (Batteries, Cases, Pouches)

Batteries, battery kits
Product # | Description | Use with:* |
1. 989803194541 | Lithium Ion battery Minimum shelf life: 6 months | 60352, 860353, 860354, 860355, 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863067, 863068, 863069, 863070, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863079, 863080, 863081, 863082, 863083, 863300, 863301, 863302, 863303, 863304, 863317, 863320, 863321, 863322 |
2.M4605A | Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery, 10.8 volts, Minimum shelf life: 6 months | Intellivue MP20, MP30, MP40, MP50, MP5, MP5T, M2702A, M2703A, 865297, M8105AS, 866060, 866062, 866064, 866066 |
3. M4607A | Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery, 10.8 volts, Minimum shelf life: 4 months | Intellivue MP2: M8102A, Multi-Measurement Module X2: M3002A |
M4607-60001 | Battery Charger Adapter | IntelliVue Multi-Measurement Module X2: M3002A, MP2: M8102A |
989803168861 | IntelliVue CL SpO2 Battery Kit Kit includes replacement battery for Intellivue CL SPO, Pod and required accessories | IntelliVue CL SpO2 Pod 865215 |
989803163261 | Mobile CL NBP Battery Kit Kit includes battery and a tool to disassemble NBP module | IntelliVue CL NBP Pod 865216 |
989803168871 | Mobile CL Transmitter Battery Kit | IntelliVue CL Transmitter 865221 |
989803174131 | MX40 Lithium-ion battery pkg 3, 3.7 volts Rechargeable Shelf life: 3 months | MX40 |
989803176201 | MX40 Lithium ion battery pkg 1, 3.7 volts Rechargeable Shelf life: 2 months | |
4. 989803174891 | MX40 Battery Adapter pkg 3 AA disposable | |
989803174881 | VM lithium Ion battery | VSi & VS2+ monitors: 863275, 863276, 863277, 863278, 863279 |
40455A | Zinc air battery, 8.4 volts Shelf life: 6 months | 78100A, M1400A, M2600A |
ULBU9VLJ | Lithium battery, 9 volts Shelf life: 10 months | M2600A, M2601A |
Rugged and ready to use
Philips HeartStart FRx Defibrillator supplies and accessories

Carry cases
The HeartStart FRx Defibrillator is designed for use with a carry case. Two carry cases are available: the standard FRx Carrying Case and the Hard Case.

FRx Carrying Case
Item # 989803139251
Constructed with easy-to-clean urethane, this case is durable enough to withstand bumps and drops, and provides easy access with a VELCRO® closure. The FRx case holds and protects your FRx Defibrillator and optional accessories, including a spare battery, two pads sets, the Infant/Child Key and Quick Reference Guide (989803138601). Includes strap.
9.5˝ (24.1 cm) w, 8.0˝ (20.3 cm) h, 5.0˝ (12.7 cm) d

Hard-Shell Carry Case
Item # YC
Our waterproof carry case made of hard-shell plastic is suited for more rigorous use,particularly in wet outdoor settings. It can also accommodate a spare battery, spare pads cartridge, and the contents of the Fast Response Kit.
13.5˝ (34 cm) w, 12˝ (30 cm) h, 6˝ (15 cm) d
Wall mounting solutions
Philips Wall Mount Bracket and Defibrillator Cabinets let you strategically place defibrillators for fast access and response.

Wall Mount Bracket
Item # 989803170891
The Wall Mount Bracket is designed specifically for housing a Philips HeartStart defibrillator and its accessories. The defibrillator’s carry case can be tethered to the Wall Mount Bracket with a breakaway Secure-Pull Seal (M3859A) to discourage tampering. A broken seal indicates that the defibrillator has been removed from the Wall Mount and accessories may need to be replenished. The Fast Response Kit (68-pchat ) tucks neatly behind the Defibrillator Case.
10.5 ̋ (27 cm) w, 8 ̋ (20 cm) h, 6.9 ̋ (17 cm) d
Weight: 18.4 ounces (0.52 kg)

AED Wall Sign
Item # 989803170921 (Red)
Item # 989803170931 (Green)
An AED Wall Sign hanging above a Wall Mount Bracket or Defibrillator Cabinet gives even greater visibility to the defibrillator. Can be mounted three different ways to maximize visibility: T mount, V-mount or Corner Mount.
Face dimensions:
9 ̋ (23 cm) h, 6.1 ̋ (15 cm) d
Wall mounting solutions
To help mobilize an emergency medical response or deter AED theft, Philips offers three different battery-operated, alarmed wall cabinets. The basic cabinet has a simple audible alarm. Also available are two premium cabinets: a wall surface mounted cabinet and a semi-recessed cabinet that is inserted into a wall cut-out for a less obtrusive look.* The premium cabinets feature combination audible and flashing light alarms. They are made of sturdy heavy- gauge steel, and are large enough to accommodate additional medical supplies, such as oxygen. You can also connect the premium cabinets’ alarms to your internal security system so that a more coordinated emergency response can be mobilized centrally.

Basic Surface Mounted Cabinet
Item # 989803136531
16.5 ̋ (42 cm) w, 15 ̋ (38 cm) h, 6 ̋ (15 cm) d

Premium Surface Mounted Cabinet
Item # PFE7024D
16 ̋ (41 cm) w, 22.5 ̋ (57 cm) h, 6 ̋ (15 cm) d

Premium Semi-recessed Cabinet
Item # PFE7023D
Recessed Compartment
14 ̋ (36 cm) w, 22 ̋ (56 cm) h, 6 ̋ (15 cm) d
Footprint on wall
16.5 ̋ (42 cm) w, 24.5 ̋ (62 cm) h, 2.5 ̋ (6 cm) d
Additional accessories

Item # 989803139261
Save valuable time in an emergency with pads that can be used on adults, children and infants. SMART Pads II eliminate the expense of having to purchase different pads sets for different patient types. These pre-connected pads are packaged in a semi-rigid pads case for added protection, and are equipped with a HeartStart- compatible plug for easy hand-off to Philips ALS defibrillators and to competitive defibrillators with adapters. For patients less than 8 years old or 55 lbs (25 kg), use the infant/child key,
if available.

Long-life Battery
Item # M5070A
The FRx Defibrillator uses a disposable, lithium manganese dioxide, long-life battery with a five-year shelf life plus a (typical) four-year installed life. A spare battery should be stored with the defibrillator. Additional batteries should be purchased for defibrillators used frequently for training and/or demonstrations.
9.5 ̋ (24 cm) w, 5.5 ̋ (14 cm) h

Fast Response Kit
Item # 68-pchat
The Fast Response Kit contains tools and supplies typically needed for patient care and personal protection: two pairs of hypoallergenic nitrile gloves, a pocket breathing mask, paramedic scissors, a chest hair razor, and a large extra-absorbent paper towel. These items are housed in a zippered pouch which attaches securely to the handle of the FRx carry case.
9.5 ̋ (24 cm) w, 5.5 ̋ (14 cm) h

Infant/Child Key
Item # 989803139311
The unique Infant/Child Key is used only with the FRx Defibrillator when treating
an infant or child who is under 55 lbs or 8 years old. Once the Infant/Child Key is inserted, the FRx automatically reduces the defibrillation energy and provides voice and visual instructions and CPR coaching specifically geared for treatment of infants/ children. Graphics on the key show proper pad placement for infants and children.
HeartStart adapters
Smart Pads II can also be used with defibrillators from other manufacturers, when equipped with Philips HeartStart Adapters.

Adapter Model 05-10200
Fits Philips hands-free cables M3507A or M1750A/B for connection to Hewlett-Packard CodeMaster 100, XE, XL, and XL+; Philips Heartstream/HeartStart XL and XLT; HeartStart MRx and Laerdal HeartStart 4000 defibrillator/monitors.

Adapter Model 05-10000
Removable adapter for Medtronic Physio-Control Quik-Combo LifePak 9, 10C, 11, 12, 20, and 500 defibrillators.

Adapter Model 05-10100
Removable adapter for Zoll 1200, 1400,
1600 and M-Series defibrillators.
Training tools

Training Pads II
Item # 989803139271
Training Pads II can be used with the HeartStart
FRx or the HeartStart FRx Trainer on a manikin connected with an external manikin adapter (M5089A) or on a pads placement guide (M5090A for adults; 989803139281 for infants and children). When training on the HeartStart FRx Defibrillator, simply plug in the Training Pads II to activate the FRx’s training mode and suspend the defibrillator’s ability to deliver a shock. Users can run eight different training scenarios. Plus, one set of Training Pads II can be used to train for adult and infant/child* resuscitation. The defibrillator’s voice instructions, including CPR Coaching, will be appropriate for treating the simulated victim. Each training pads case contains a pair of reusable adhesive pads with integrated cableand connector. The case is packaged with an adult pads placement guide, an illustrated guide for using the pads, and Instructions for Use. Replacement Training Pads II (989803139291) are also available, consisting of just a set of pads/wire/plug. An infant/child pads placement guide is also available (989803139281).

HeartStart Trainer
Item # M5085A
For training many responders simultaneously, the Philips HeartStart Trainer is a flexible and economical solution. The HeartStart Trainer helps your responders learn to use the OnSite Defibrillator. With voice instructions matching those of the OnSite Defibrillator and eight preconfigured scenarios, the Trainer simulates how the defibrillator would operate during real-life situations the responders might encounter. The HeartStart Trainer comes with a nylon carrying case, one reusable Adult Training Pads Cartridge (M5073A) and one External Manikin Adapter. Optional accessories include the Internal Manikin Adapter (M5088A) for use on selected manikins, the External Manikin Adapter 10-pack (M5089A) for use on all manikins, the Adult Pad Placement Guide (M5090A), and the Infant/Child Training Pads Cartridge (M5074A).