CRITICAM provides a complete after-sales package deal by offering comprehensive preventive and maintenance service contracts & solutions for Philips Patient Monitoring Systems and other medical equipment in order to improve equipment efficiency and response time. Maintenance and servicing of equipment is carried out by a team of highly qualified and trained engineers who provide effective service in the minimum down time along with supplying the parts and accessories for the equipment.
With a Management team that has more than two decades of highly skilled experience, CRITICAM has consistently been at par excellence in servicing of medical equipment which is the result of constant training of our application specialists and engineers.
We at CRITICAM, believe in transforming healthcare in every direction with exceptional technology & extraordinary services. We are “Your Trusted Healthcare Service Partner”.
Criticam’s total Calibration Management Solution (CMS) offers a one stop service for testing, measuring and calibrating all Electro Medical Equipment. We perform a range of calibration services for electro medical equipment such as defibrillators, monitors, ventilators, cautery machines, syringe / infusion pumps, BP apparatus etc. A team of dedicated biomedical engineers and customer service professionals provide both experience and expertise in maintaining equipment at peak performance, with unrivalled commitment to customer service.
Criticam’s Calibration Management Solution
Criticam’s Calibration Management Solution (CMS) ensures consistency through step-by-step testing procedures and offers these value-added services :

Dedicated staff of highly experienced biomedical engineers.

Complete performance assurance and electrical safety testing.

Capability and mobility to perform onsite calibration services.

Customised testing regimes to meet the specific calibration and testing requirements.

Commitment to the best industry practice in the test and calibration of electro medical equipment.

Periodic review of historic calibration & maintenance data to evaluate appropriateness.

Establishment of Quality Control (QC) & Quality Assurance (QA) protocols for medical technology and maintenance of the data secured and updated.
Stay Compliant with
Criticam’s Calibration Management Solution
Your confidence in our measurements
is the key to your patient’s safety
Calibration of Medical Devices As Per NABL 126 Guidelines,

Calibration of Medical Devices As Per NABL 126 Guidelines,


Electrical Safety Analyzer & INCU™ II Incubator Tester

INCU™ II Incubator Tester, ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser [Generated under Certificate For Single Parameter & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Warm up Time, Air Temperature Accuracy, Skin Temperature Accuracy, Temperature overshoot, Relative Humidity, High Temperature Protection, Air Flow, Noise Level |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-21/ ISO 17025

Digital Thermometer & Pressure Calibrator & Electrical Safety Analyzer

One Autoclave may have number of pressure Gauges & Temperature Indicator
Functional Test Parameters | Pressure Gauge measurement & Temperature Measurement |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
ISO/IEC 17025

Electrical Safety Analyzer & Defibrillator Analyzer

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, FLUKE Impulse 7000DP (Complies with EN61010-1 2nd Edition) [Generated under Certificate & Caldata under Defibrilator, Defib AED Pace & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Heart Rate Accuracy, Output Accuracy, Output Accuracy Multiple, Output Energy at Max setting for 10 chg cycle, Charge time after 10 discharge cycles, Energy after 60sec of full charge, Synchronizer Operation, Pacer output Accuracy,Pacer rate Accuracy |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
EN61010-1 / ISO/IEC 17025

Electrical Safety Analyzer & Pressure Calibrator.

FLUKE VT650 Gas Flow Analyser [Generated under Certificate For Single Parameter & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Vaccum Pressure |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-12 / ISO/IEC 17025

Electrical Safety Analyzer, Gas Flow analyzer, Digital Thermometer.

FLUKE VT650 Gas Flow Analyser [Generated under Certificate For Single Parameter & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Flow Rate |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-12
ISO/IEC 17025
BP APPARATUS (Sphygmomanometer)

NIBP Simulator, if it is electrical operated, then Electrical Safety Analyzer is also required.

Fluke Prosim 4 [Generated under Certificate For Single Parameter]
Functional Test Parameters | Pressure Test, Leak Test |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-25
ISO/IEC 17025

Electrical Safety Analyzer & ECG Simulator

Fluke Prosim 8, ESA 620 Electrical Safety Analyser [Generated under Certificate & Caldata under ECG & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Heart Rate Accuracy,ECG Waveform Simulation |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IEC/EN 61010-1 / ISO/IEC 17025
IS 13450/IEC 60601-2-46

Electrical Safety Analyzer & LUX Meter.

IDEAL Light Meter 61-686, ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser [Generated under Certificate For OT Light & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
ISO/IEC 17025

Electrical Safety Analyzer & Gas Flow Analyzer (Ventilator Analyzer)

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, FLUKE VT650 Gas Flow Analyser [Generated under Certificate & Caldata under Ventilator or Anesthesia & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Volume Accuracy, Respiration Rate Accuracy, I:E Ratio, Pressure Accuracy, PEEP, Oxygen Accuracy |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-12 / ISO/IEC 17025
Nebulizer (Electric)

Electrical Safety Analyzer required( if it Is Electrical Operated ) & Gas Flow Analyzer

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, FLUKE VT650 Gas Flow Analyser. [Generated under Certificate For Single Parameter ( Parameter Flow in l/min ) & Electrical Safety.]
Functional Test Parameters | Volume Accuracy, Respiration Rate Accuracy, I:E Ratio, Pressure Accuracy, PEEP, Oxygen Accuracy |
IEC-60601-1 /IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-12 / ISO/IEC 17025
Syringe Pump

Electrical Safety Analyzer & Infusion Device Analyzer.

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, FLUKE IDA-1S. [Generated under Certificate & Caldata under Syringe pump & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Flow Rate Accuracy, Volume Accuracy, Occlusion Detection Pressure |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-24 / ISO/IEC 17025
Infusion Pump

Electrical Safety Analyzer & Infusion Device Analyzer.

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, FLUKE IDA-5. [Generated under Certificate & Caldata under Syringe pump & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Flow Rate Accuracy, Volume Accuracy, Occlusion Detection Pressure |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-24 / ISO/IEC 17025
Radiant Warmer

Electrical Safety Analyzer & Radiant Warmer Analyzer

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, IR Thermometer Fluke 59 Max+. [Generated under Certificate For Single Parameter & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Temperature Test |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
ISO/IEC 17025

Electrical Safety Analyzer, Irradiance meter.

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, DALE 40. [Generated under Certificate For Phototherapy & Electrical Safety]
Volume Accuracy, Oxygen Accuracy | Flow Rate Accuracy, Volume Accuracy, Occlusion Detection Pressure |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-50 / ISO/IEC 17025
Pulse Oxymeter

Electrical Safety Analyser & Pulse Oximeter Simulator

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, FLUKE Spot Light. [Generated under Certificate & Caldata under Pulseoximeter & Electrical Safety]
Volume Accuracy, Oxygen Accuracy | Heart Rate Accuracy, O2 Saturation |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-56 / ISO/IEC 17025
Weighing scales (baby)


F1 Class & Iron Weights. [Weights Measures is generated.]
Weights Parameters | Measures Weights in mg /gm / kg |
ISO 17025:2005

Electrical Safety Analyzer

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser.[Electrical Safety is generated.]
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IEC-60601-1 / ISO/IEC 17025
Electro Surgical Unit/ Diathermy Machine/ Cautry Machine.

Electrical Safety Analyzer & Electrosurgical Analyzer/Cautery Analyzer.

ESA 620 Electrical Safety Analyser, QAES-II Cautery Analyser. [Generated under Certificate & Caldata under Cautary & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Power Test for Monopolar Cut, Power Test for Monopolar Coagulation, Power test for Bipolar, Current Test |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-27/ ISO/IEC 17025
IS 13450/IEC 60601-2-46
Patient Monitors

Electrical Safety Analyzer & Patient Monitor Simulator.

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, FLUKE Spot Light, FLUKE Prosim 8. [Generated under Certificate, Certificate for Patient Monitor & Caldata under Cautary & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Spo2 Test, NIBP Test, ECG Test, IBP Test, Respiration Test, Temperature measurement, Cardiac output Test. |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-27/ ISO/IEC 17025
IS 13450/IEC 60601-2-46
Apnea Monitors

Electrical Safety Analyzer

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser. [Electrical Safety is generated.]
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IEC-60601-1 / ISO/IEC 17025
IS 13450/IEC 60601-2-46
External Pace Maker

Pace Maker Analyzer

FLUKE Impulse 7000DP ( Complies with EN61010-1 2nd Edition) [Generated under Certificate & Caldata under Pacer & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Rate, Output, Sensitivity |
EN61010-1 / ISO/IEC 17025
Fetal Monitor

Fetal Simulator with Mechanical Fetal Heart & Electrical Safety Analyser

PS320 with MFH-1 , ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser. [Electrical Safety is generated.]
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IEC-60601-1 / ISO/IEC 17025
Feat Doppler

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser

[Electrical Safety is generated.]
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IEC-60601-1 / ISO/IEC 17025
Infant Incubator

Electrical Safety Test & infant Incubator Analyzer.

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, IR Thermometer Fluke 59 Max+ [Generated under Certificate For Single Parameter & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Temperature Test |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
ISO/IEC 17025
Electronic Tourniquet

Electrical safety analyzer, pressure analyzer, stop watch

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, FLUKE Prosim 8 [Generated under Certificate For Single Parameter & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Pressure Test |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-25 / ISO/IEC 17025
Therapeutic Ultra sound Machine

Electrical Safety Analyzer, Ultrasound watt meter, stop watch

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser [Electrical Safety is generated.]
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
ISO/IEC 17025
Boyles Apparatus

Pressure calibration, gas flow analyser

FLUKE VT650 Gas Flow Analyser [Generated under Certificate For Single Parameter ( Parameter Flow in l/min )
Functional Test Parameters | Oxygen Test, Flow Test |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-12 / ISO/IEC 17025
Dialysis Machine

Electrical Safety Analyzer, Dialysis Reference meter, Temperature data logger, Pressure data logger

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser [ Electrical Safety is generated.]
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IEC-60601-1 / ISO/IEC 17025
Heart Lung Machine

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser [Electrical Safety is generated.]
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IEC-60601-1 / ISO/IEC 17025
OT Table

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, IR Thermometer Fluke 59 Max+ [Generated under Certificate For Single Parameter & Electrical Safety
Functional Test Parameters | Temperature Test |
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IEC-60601-1 / ISO/IEC 17025
OT Table

Electrical Safety Analyzer

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser.] [Electrical Safety is generated.]
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IEC-60601-1 / ISO/IEC 17025
OT Light

Lux meter

IDEAL Light Meter 61-686 [Generated under Certificate For OT Light & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Light Intensity Test |
ISO/IEC 17025
Electronic /Mechanical Patient Bed

Electrical safety analyser

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser. [Electrical Safety is generated.]
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IEC-60601-1 / ISO/IEC 17025
CPM Machine

Electrical safety analyzer, angle measuring device

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser. [Electrical Safety is generated.]
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IEC-60601-1 / ISO/IEC 17025
Therapeutic Stimulator

Electrical safety analyser

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser. [Electrical Safety is generated.]
Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IEC-60601-1 / ISO/IEC 17025
Enteral Feeding Pump

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, FLUKE IDA-1S

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, FLUKE IDA-1S [Generated under Certificate & Caldata under Syriangepump & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Flow Rate Accuracy, Volume Accuracy, Occlusion Detection Pressure | Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-24 / ISO/IEC 17025

Gas flow analyzer with test lung, electrical safety test

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, FLUKE VT650 Gas Flow Analyser. [Generated under Certificate & Caldata under Ventilator or Anesthesia & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Volume Accuracy, Respiration Rate Accuracy, I:E Ratio, Pressure Accuracy, PEEP. | Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-12 / ISO/IEC 17025

Gas flow analyzer with test lung, electrical safety test, humidity tester

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, FLUKE VT650 Gas Flow Analyser [Generated under Certificate & Caldata under Ventilator or Anesthesia & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Volume Accuracy, Respiration Rate Accuracy, I:E Ratio, Pressure Accuracy, PEEP. | Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-12 / ISO/IEC 17025
Anesthesia Machine

Electrical Safety Analyzer & Gas Flow analyzer

ESA 612 Electrical Safety Analyser, FLUKE VT650 Gas Flow Analyser [Generated under Certificate & Caldata under Ventilator or Anesthesia & Electrical Safety]
Functional Test Parameters | Volume Accuracy, Respiration Rate Accuracy, I:E Ratio, Pressure Accuracy, PEEP, Oxygen Accuracy | Electrical Safety Parameters | Voltage between Live & Neutral, Voltage between Live & Earth, Voltage between Neutral & Earth, Enclosure Current, Leakage Current, Patient Leakage Current |
IS 13450/ IEC 60601-2-12 / ISO/IEC 17025